Positive Enlightenment By Ameenah

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Positive Enlightenment By Ameenah

Opening hours

3911 lockhart rd
Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1M4



Free 30 Min Complimentary Session  

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free

Transformation 120 12 Session  

. Duration:2 hrs··. Price:$4,599

Transformation 90 7 Sessions  

. Duration:2 hrs··. Price:$3,510

Rapid Shift 30  

. Duration:4 hrs 15 mins··. Price:$999

Mindset And Spiritual Coaching  

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:$261

Home & Office Cleanse  

. Duration:2 hrs··. Price:$1,044

Past Life Regression Portal  

. Duration:2 hrs··. Price:$450

Spiritual Hypnosis  

. Duration:4 hrs··. Price:$999

Inner Child Healing Customized 7 60 Min Session  

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:$1,827

Counselling Hypnotherapy  

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:$261

Magical Minds  

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:$1,554

Revive 90  

. Duration:16 hrs 30 mins··. Price:$3,627

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy  

. Duration:8 hrs··. Price:$1,999

Corporate Wellness program  

. Duration:6 hrs··. Price:$3,000


. Duration:18 hrs··. Price:$5,400


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Welcome to the gateway of change with Ameenah Thobani, owner of Positive Enlightenment which is awarded as the ‘Best Hypnotherapy Business of 2023‘ 2024, 2025 by Threebestrated.ca

Ameenah’s haven of healing, Positive Enlightenment, offers a relief for those trapped by the chains of self-doubt and repetitive life patterns (past life regression).

Here, we confront the core of your struggles, offering a beacon of hope for those battling against the currents of burnout and frustration. Ameenah’s expertise shines a light on the hidden anchors of your psyche, helping you to release them and sail towards the horizons of your true potential.


, Highest rated
13 reviews
  • Anonymous

    Ameenah met a point in my life where I was standing on a cross-road and didn’t know where to turn. I did hypnotherapy session with her. First she she took me into my past and I realized how my identity was formed. She guided me through my subconscious mind and with her help I got the clarity to which direction I need to move. It was a huge decision and I understand that it’s a long road ahead, but now I have the tools to navigate my life. Thank you Ameenah!!!

  • Anonymous

    Ameenah is very tentative and caring for her clients, my daughter has done 8 sessions with her, and my daughter has been improving with her school and personal development, she was easy to get irritated and angry, now she is very positive and patient.

    Ammenah's unique approach towards the emotional support and personal development made huge difference in our life, I highly recommend Ammenah for either adults or children who need help!

  • Anonymous

    What a Divine Blessing. I want to find new ways to thank God every day, for connecting me to Ameenah. I have stopped smoking after 15 years, 15! Having something control you all day everyday is havoc. I didn’t know quitting was a part of the process but my soul knew and now I am emPOWERed. I do NOT need to rely on anymore outside substances, person, or place to make me feel better. I get to self regulate, I have the tools coded in me to do so. Ameenah has helped me tap into my inner power and change every old belief system that was holding me back. The openings in my life began RIGHT when I made the intention to take a chance and invest in my own healing. The best thing I have done for my life. I definitely came here on a leap of faith, an inner guidance “jump and God will catch you, you just have to jump first.” I am leaving behind who I used to be and found the golden treasure, that is Me. Who God has created me to be, not who my family said, the community, not old relationships, not a stranger or any patriarchal system. I say who I AM. I am forever grateful to Ameenah. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

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